God Isn’t Testing You
24-Minute Episode
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Author’s Note
Our beliefs about God shape the way we experience everything that happens in our lives.
The view that God tests, tempts or tries us is a prevalent source of suffering for believers that leads to relational distance from God and cuts us off from the very redemption of our suffering that He promises.
Today’s podcast sheds light on how beliefs contradicting God’s character can take root in our hearts with a biblical look at embracing the truth of God’s’ love for you.
You can participate in the closing prayer inviting God to align your beliefs about Him with His truth. May this open the door for you to receive a new dimension of peace and oneness with Him, the Source of all life and light.
We sincerely hope that these resources will be encouraging and edifying to you.
In His Rest,
John Murphy
00:00:00 John Murphy
This is the Rock House Center podcast and I'm John Murphy.
00:00:03 Beth Murphy
And I'm Beth Murphy.
00:00:04 Beth Murphy
Our podcast today is entitled God isn't testing you.
00:00:08 Beth Murphy
The reason we're bringing this up today, and devoting a podcast to it is because it's so very common and so very damaging to believers to have have the notion that or just have a wrong view of God.
00:00:20 Beth Murphy
There are various versions of that, but it's always causing suffering.
00:00:24 Beth Murphy
We certainly see it a lot with our clients here at Rockville Center.
00:00:28 Beth Murphy
And that includes not just any believer, but even believers who have been in full time ministry.
00:00:34 Beth Murphy
Or maybe they, their pastors, pastors, families.
00:00:38 Beth Murphy
They know what Scripture says.
00:00:40 Beth Murphy
They know the truth about God intellectually, but there is a disconnect in terms of what they realize they're actually believing to be true.
00:00:48 Beth Murphy
About him and then they begin to realize all the suffering that comes from that, and so we want to circumvent that by getting a focus on the truth about God and that he is not testing you.
00:00:58 John Murphy
Yeah, I'm really glad we're talking about this today because I just have run into too many people who will speak about something they're struggling.
00:01:05 John Murphy
With and they will sort of frame it in the OR actually say the words like guts testing me.
00:01:12 John Murphy
For instance someone who has a disease or has some significant problem.
00:01:15 John Murphy
Their sort of concluding statement in their their summary of the situation is that God is testing them.
00:01:21 John Murphy
The thing that that we really have to get after here is that that's a lie, and it is wrongly.
00:01:26 John Murphy
Positioning God in our minds, and when he is wrongly positioned.
00:01:29 John Murphy
As someone who tests us who throws evil at us, who brings us challenges?
00:01:33 John Murphy
Who's trying to mature us through suffering?
00:01:36 John Murphy
All of these lies have been propagated throughout Christianity across the board, whether it be people in the Pew or people in the pulpit, it doesn't matter.
00:01:44 John Murphy
There is this underlying thing, and it's interesting because I think a lot of times the theology doesn't support it.
00:01:49 John Murphy
But there's something going on in the heart that has caused them to have this belief about him and I think it's important to address it because it's causing a lot of suffering to approach life this way.
00:01:59 Beth Murphy
What we've seen in everyone's life is that we we bring a belief about God into our faith and into the way in which we read Scripture.
00:02:09 Beth Murphy
And so it becomes a situation where we have a view of God by the way in which he was represented to us, commonly by our parents.
00:02:17 Beth Murphy
The people who were the ambassadors of God to us.
00:02:19 Beth Murphy
The we think of parents as the representatives of God, the people with divine authority in our lives.
00:02:26 Beth Murphy
And of course, they're humans.
00:02:27 Beth Murphy
They're flawed and they were parented by flawed people and there are things that get into our thinking about God not being a protector or God not being safe or.
00:02:39 Beth Murphy
Loving can't be counted on and can't be trusted to meet my deepest needs and it kind of morphs or develops into then believing that he either maybe allows or even straight out causes evil and suffering in our lives.
00:02:54 John Murphy
Yeah, the important thing about this lie is that it is. That's the truth of who God is. This the basis of our peace and I just want to go through this scripture quickly. It's second Peter 1/2 and this is the amplified verse.
00:03:07 John Murphy
And it says, May grace God favor and peace, which is perfect, well, being all necessary, good, all spiritual prosperity and freedom, from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts.
00:03:18 John Murphy
That's pretty complete.
00:03:19 John Murphy
Kind of covers the whole range there.
00:03:21 Beth Murphy
Yeah, good definition of peace.
00:03:22 John Murphy
Yep, to be multiplied in you so make Gray Scotts favor and peace be multiplied in you in the full personal, precise and correct knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
00:03:32 John Murphy
So obviously it works with the strategy of Satan for us to believe lies about God, that that cuts us off from peace. God is about bringing us peace, Satan's about tormenting us.
00:03:41 John Murphy
So this this statement really clearly defines how critical it is that we have a correct impression of God.
00:03:48 Beth Murphy
So when we find ourselves with these questioning thoughts about God, wondering if he is causing bad, allowing evil or testing us, then we want to back up and realize that we've attributed some.
00:04:02 Beth Murphy
Often some Hume.
00:04:04 Beth Murphy
Characteristics to God and commonly bad human characteristics of God, maybe even directly lining up to experiences that we had on our own lives and the ways in which God was represented to us, and that gets, in a sense, kind of smeared onto God's character, and it's in direct conflict with certainly scriptures like that second Peter Scripture.
00:04:23 Beth Murphy
In terms of.
00:04:25 Beth Murphy
The statement of fact that our peace comes from the correct and precise knowledge and understanding of God and Jesus our Lord.
00:04:35 Beth Murphy
And then you can look at many other scriptures, of course, about his tenderhearted mercy's that the first Peter Scripture in five, seven of how he cares about you tenderly and affectionately cares about.
00:04:46 Beth Murphy
Everything that's a burden to you.
00:04:48 Beth Murphy
He wants to take that burden.
00:04:50 Beth Murphy
The understanding and the picture of God.
00:04:52 Beth Murphy
The more.
00:04:53 Beth Murphy
Sort of like as the scales tip in trusting God.
00:04:57 Beth Murphy
What we see with our clients is the more they move in the direction of believing the truth about him and living in that truth and trusting him.
00:05:03 Beth Murphy
Those misinterpretations of scripture begin to diminish, and they start realizing those things they've used to try to prove bad characteristics about God they don't think.
00:05:14 Beth Murphy
Those scriptures prove that at all anymore, and the questions and the questioning of God goes away.
00:05:20 John Murphy
Yeah, I think you've got a really great scripture that I think would be good time to go ahead and read it.
00:05:23 John Murphy
That speaks to understanding and bringing clarity, and this the absolute statement of if you are experiencing evil, it is not coming from God.
00:05:31 John Murphy
I think it's a really important scripture.
00:05:33 Beth Murphy
It's the.
00:05:33 Beth Murphy
It's the scripture in James one the 13th verse that says that God doesn't tempt anyone he can't tempt anyone with evil.
00:05:42 Beth Murphy
He doesn't have any of it in him.
00:05:43 Beth Murphy
He can't tempt others, doesn't tempt and and there or try us, there are translations of that verb that are also test, so he doesn't.
00:05:53 Beth Murphy
Tempt or test or try us because that's not in his character.
00:05:58 Beth Murphy
He is not able to do that, and so that's pretty foundational.
00:06:02 Beth Murphy
If you start looking at God that way, then it causes you to start realigning your thinking and questioning.
00:06:07 Beth Murphy
Maybe there's something wrong with the way I'm viewing God.
00:06:11 Beth Murphy
As opposed to thinking that there's something wrong with God and that he's unkind, untrustworthy can't be considered safer.
00:06:20 Beth Murphy
Loving if we're thinking those kinds of thoughts about God, or that he's tempting or trying me, then we want to begin to question and present to the Lord.
00:06:30 Beth Murphy
What's wrong with my thinking?
00:06:32 Beth Murphy
Please line my thinking up with truth of who you are and what your your scripture says about you.
00:06:38 John Murphy
There are several stories in the Old Testament that really speak to the relationship with the Lord and what he's trying to do.
00:06:43 John Murphy
I think one of the most important ones that people commonly reference is the Abraham and Isaac example where Abraham was told by the Lord to take Isaac and sacrifice him.
00:06:54 John Murphy
As it turned out, Abraham went all the way to the point of raising his knife over Isaac.
00:06:58 John Murphy
To actually sacrifice him for the Lord and the Lord said, stop the message from the Lord was I just wanted to make sure that you love me more than you love?
00:07:07 John Murphy
So it was a test of of Abraham's heart and then the RAM was in the Bush to take the place to substitute for Isaac.
00:07:14 John Murphy
So there was no evil actually brought about in that test.
00:07:17 John Murphy
Some people want to put that out as our interpret that as a test that where this is God doing something evil.
00:07:23 John Murphy
Well, if you think about it, nothing evil actually occurred that was simply.
00:07:27 John Murphy
Trying to test where it was that Abraham was in his heart relative to God and Isaac, he wanted to make sure that he loved him more than he loved Isaac, but ultimately there was no evil there.
00:07:37 John Murphy
It was simply a test, and so we have to understand that is an example of a test, but it wasn't about God.
00:07:45 John Murphy
Perpetrating evil to gain the understanding that he wanted about the condition of Abraham's heart.
00:07:50 Beth Murphy
If we back up and look at many circumstances in our own lives, we start realizing that life tests us.
00:07:57 Beth Murphy
There are many ways in which things get thrown at us, suffering in trials, and those are opportunities for God to work in our hearts for us to allow him to work in our heart.
00:08:09 Beth Murphy
Parts and use that as a life test to bring us closer to him.
00:08:14 Beth Murphy
So different kind of a concept to begin to look at the origin of the test being the suffering in life, the trials of life as opposed to being something perpetrated by God.
00:08:26 John Murphy
Yeah, I think it's important to recognize that the world tests us.
00:08:30 John Murphy
God doesn't, but every time the world challenges us, it is a test to determine where are we going to go.
00:08:37 John Murphy
With the challenge and sometime I might be a test of some sort of sin challenge, or it might be a test of some sort of life difficulty.
00:08:45 John Murphy
Where are you going to go with those things in the moment of the sin test?
00:08:48 John Murphy
Am I going to honor God in that, or am I going to give into the world pressure in the moment of the life challenge or the difficult thing that comes along?
00:08:55 John Murphy
Am I going to glorify God in the middle of that?
00:08:57 John Murphy
Or I'm going to buy into all of Satan's lies about the situation.
00:09:02 Beth Murphy
And so David, at Ziklag is a great example of.
00:09:07 Beth Murphy
Seeing that in Scripture in first Samuel 30 in the sixth verse where it was a bad situation and David experienced despair, he came back with his band of warriors and and found their entire town burned to the ground.
00:09:22 Beth Murphy
All their wives and children have been kidnapped and all their possessions stolen and the the men.
00:09:27 Beth Murphy
Despaired and turned to stone him, which I presume meant stone him to death.
00:09:34 Beth Murphy
It's usually what that ended up being, and so in that moment David had a choice about what to do, and we know where his mind typically went.
00:09:43 Beth Murphy
He was a warrior, and his.
00:09:45 Beth Murphy
His flesh would instinctively go to going after the plunderers.
00:09:51 Beth Murphy
The kidnappers going after the evil people and pursuing them, but that's not really.
00:09:55 John Murphy
Responding to the threat of these people who were now going to stone him, he knew how to respond to these people.
00:10:00 John Murphy
He was pretty good with a sword and he probably would have had some pretty good outcome there, or he probably would have had a fairly bloody outcome there and he would have been trying to defend himself.
00:10:12 John Murphy
But the but so the moment at which David felt that despair and looked into the eyes of those 300 people, the question was, what is he going to do at that point?
00:10:20 John Murphy
What he did was that he strengthened himself in the Lord.
00:10:23 John Murphy
He brought the Lord into the context of the moment and was able to gain peace in in in that process.
00:10:30 John Murphy
And what I think he did was he.
00:10:32 John Murphy
Simply talked about how much God loved him, talked about the history that he had in his life with God, that his life does not, his life, his life is not going to be concluded at this moment that there's a relationship here that he's not by himself.
00:10:49 John Murphy
In dealing with this moment, he's not in isolation.
00:10:52 John Murphy
That's one of the interesting things if we don't go Lord then we stay in isolation and then we operate.
00:10:56 John Murphy
Of our despair or whatever it is, and we basically are doing whatever is.
00:10:59 John Murphy
Satan wants us to do in the moment, but what David did was he brought the the front the full reality of his relationship to God into the context of that moment, and he was able to have peace.
00:11:10 John Murphy
And then he sought the ephod.
00:11:13 John Murphy
And he asked God what to do next and then God.
00:11:16 John Murphy
To deliver him.
00:11:19 John Murphy
And from there God directed him to get his stuff back and he got all of his stuff back plus a whole lot more.
00:11:24 John Murphy
And the situation was restored.
00:11:27 John Murphy
So that's a really important situation to see that some would say that God tested him, that God brought about the evil that God brought about the loss that he brought about the discontent.
00:11:39 John Murphy
And the anger, and the despair. And the 300 people who wanted to stone him and I think it's a wrong interpretation.
00:11:44 John Murphy
The correct interpretation is this life situation brought about this this this life challenge brought about this situation brought about the despair and it was in that moment where.
00:11:56 John Murphy
It was going to be a test of where David was going to go in that moment.
00:11:59 John Murphy
Was he going to go to God or respond to his despair and the pressures of the world and the three people?
00:12:04 John Murphy
300 people staring him, staring him down with rocks in their hands. It's so interesting that after that experience was when David moved into in two sections he took over his kingship in one big section and they took over the rest.
00:12:16 John Murphy
Ben became King of Israel.
00:12:18 John Murphy
And it's so interesting that the context is in terms of scripturally, how tight that is, that it seemed to me as I read through it, that this situation really show that no matter what happened to David, we know we had failings in the future.
00:12:31 John Murphy
But God was clear that David propensity was going to be to look to him whenever he had a challenge, and that was.
00:12:38 John Murphy
That was the heart that he could trust to rule over Israel.
00:12:42 Beth Murphy
And that's a really profound way of introducing that concept, and it makes me think too of of just your personal situation that we can probably also get into here.
00:12:53 Beth Murphy
But you know, in that course in with David, we see that so many times in Psalms there's that dramatic story.
00:13:00 John Murphy
00:13:00 Beth Murphy
But then it's just.
00:13:02 Beth Murphy
The way his character is revealed.
00:13:04 Beth Murphy
As he may cry out in despair that he was being hunted or chased, or living in caves and wondered if God was abandoning him or whatever.
00:13:14 Beth Murphy
But he came around to acknowledging that, no, that can't be true.
00:13:18 Beth Murphy
Praising God worshipping him.
00:13:21 Beth Murphy
And of course we know from other scriptures.
00:13:24 Beth Murphy
The first Philippians scripture about.
00:13:26 Beth Murphy
Well, in the first verse of of Philippians that God is the one who's faithful to complete the good work he's begun in US.
00:13:34 Beth Murphy
And then in the second chapter where it talks about working out your salvation with fear and trembling, it then goes on to say, after a daunting description of what that means and you think how you could never do that, then it goes along to say but.
00:13:46 Beth Murphy
Not in your own strength, of course, for it is God who is all the while effectually at work with first to give you the will, then the desire to obey.
00:13:54 Beth Murphy
And so in these things, as we're we're thinking about, well, I could never do what David did, I could.
00:13:59 Beth Murphy
I could never respond well to that test or what Abraham did.
00:14:04 Beth Murphy
Well, neither could they, but their heart is seeking God.
00:14:10 Beth Murphy
That's our place is to pursue God, to seek him, and let him work in our hearts and empower us.
00:14:16 Beth Murphy
And of course, it's all back to him.
00:14:18 Beth Murphy
It's all he gives us the desire in the 1st place.
00:14:20 Beth Murphy
Then he gives us the strength and the ability to obey.
00:14:23 John Murphy
Yeah, I've often thought in that scripture about he gives us the energy and the desire that what he gives us is a love for him.
00:14:29 John Murphy
And it is, and that's what energizes.
00:14:31 John Murphy
It's our desire to please him and to connect with him and honor him for all that he has done in all the ways in which he has loved us.
00:14:37 John Murphy
And so it is obviously that any movement that we have towards God in difficult situations are going to be because we are responding out of God's love. That's in us for him. I think that's so people need to understand that this is not something we're.
00:14:49 John Murphy
Going to wrestle up in our own strength that as we accept the Lord's love and we love him and return it.
00:14:54 John Murphy
We desire to please him in our lives, that there is energy and there is desire in that and the rest of the scripture is to please and to delight in him to do his work.
00:15:03 John Murphy
Those things come from energy, he gives us, but at the foundational energy is love.
00:15:09 John Murphy
So the I think just to take a quick minute to get into my personal story is another version of count of a test scenario where and this hopefully doesn't stir up too many bad memories for you, but there's not really a lot of good memories in the first part of this story, and I'm talking to Beth here because what happened was that I got a liver infection and I was in really bad shape.
00:15:29 John Murphy
They ended up in the hospital at the same time I'm out flat or no.
00:15:34 John Murphy
Actually, I'm out curled up because I'm in so much pain I can barely stand it.
00:15:37 John Murphy
I'm sort of in fetal position in this bed and nobody can figure out what's wrong with me.
00:15:41 John Murphy
Beth goes through her own back problems and she's laying down beside.
00:15:45 John Murphy
I don't know if you're on the floor on the couch, against her on the couch, yeah, so we were all knocked out.
00:15:47 Beth Murphy
I was on in the hospital room.
00:15:49 John Murphy
No resources, there wasn't really.
00:15:52 John Murphy
Kids weren't around to at that.
00:15:54 Beth Murphy
They were young.
00:15:54 John Murphy
At that point they were going to come in and rescue us, so we were pretty much on our own.
00:15:59 John Murphy
But the thing that occurred to me while I was.
00:16:02 John Murphy
While I was in the bed in so much pain and wondering if this was going to kind of be the end of John Murphy, God really put in me this really bizarre thought which was to praise him in the middle of the.
00:16:12 John Murphy
Whole thing and my response was, well, that is really an unusual thought, but you know, I kind of like it because if I die then I'm going to be stepping into the Kingdom praising God.
00:16:21 John Murphy
And that's a pretty good deal in either way, no matter what happens, it's going to be really frustrating Satan.
00:16:27 John Murphy
I'm kind of telling him to # sand because I'm going to be glorifying God right in the middle of the tainted world.
00:16:32 John Murphy
Trying to Take Me Out.
00:16:33 John Murphy
So I actually it kind of appealed to me.
00:16:35 John Murphy
Ultimately, when I had some time to process on it, that desire was really something I feel like God gave me and it was a situation where I was able to.
00:16:44 John Murphy
First think about pray songs and whisper them and then ultimately seeing them and interesting that I really was not able to come up with much more than the doxology.
00:16:52 John Murphy
So I just kept singing the doxology over and over again.
00:16:55 John Murphy
The outcome was that I got healed, but no particular speed to that and I got healed as quickly as people would get healed from that sort of thing, there wasn't any particular physical manifestation.
00:17:05 John Murphy
That would show that God came through and honored the praising of him through some physical thing.
00:17:11 John Murphy
Although I did get healed ultimately, so I give him credit.
00:17:13 John Murphy
The whole process of healing is his, so he does.
00:17:16 John Murphy
At that, but the main thing that happened was that I got closer to God in a really unique way, and it was so interesting the scripture that talks about how God redeems those things that Satan is meant for evil.
00:17:27 John Murphy
For those who know him and love him, and the outcome was definitely a sense of connection with him at a deeper level.
00:17:33 John Murphy
We all are built to need more of God and then out of this situation.
00:17:36 John Murphy
The redemption that God brought to the situation was more of him.
00:17:40 John Murphy
So we're built to need more of him and it was, and that's what I got out of it.
00:17:44 John Murphy
And after all of the healing was done in months later, there definitely was a sense of assurance and connection with God that I never had before.
00:17:51 John Murphy
And that was his redemption of that.
00:17:53 John Murphy
So that was another sort of a version of the test.
00:17:55 John Murphy
God didn't make me sick.
00:17:57 John Murphy
He didn't give me a liver infection, but out of trusting him.
00:18:00 John Murphy
And out of the stirring.
00:18:02 John Murphy
From him, it turned out to be a situation where I had the choice to roll into despair and to give in to the bad situation with not much hope on the horizon or I was given an opportunity as a suggestion to honor him and to praise him in the midst of it.
00:18:17 John Murphy
And it was a good outcome, so I don't believe God gave me that.
00:18:20 John Murphy
He didn't test me, he didn't.
00:18:21 John Murphy
He wasn't trying to do that.
00:18:22 John Murphy
To mature me, but he used the situation to bring me into a deeper relationship with him.
00:18:28 Beth Murphy
So at Rockhouse we talk about the boot camp of life and how there are plenty of opportunities and we we all know that to be true.
00:18:36 Beth Murphy
There's all kinds of suffering and loss, and things that we don't see coming that seem to just sort of come around the corner and take us by surprise in a bad way.
00:18:46 Beth Murphy
Of course, in a good way as well too.
00:18:49 Beth Murphy
But in the context.
00:18:50 Beth Murphy
Stuff the struggles of life.
00:18:52 Beth Murphy
There are plenty of those and they do test us and they do try us, but our perspective on those things.
00:18:58 Beth Murphy
If we look if we realize that God is right there with us locked arms with us elbow to elbow right there, ready to comfort us, guide us direct us through the presence of his Holy Spirit in us.
00:19:10 Beth Murphy
And that he absolutely promises a foundational promise.
00:19:14 Beth Murphy
Is to use everything together for our good and his glory, for for the good of those who love him and for his glory and the enormity of that promise really can't be fully stated, because it's everything and it's what's John.
00:19:29 Beth Murphy
Just said a minute ago.
00:19:31 Beth Murphy
The redemption is more of him.
00:19:34 Beth Murphy
It's not necessarily.
00:19:35 Beth Murphy
Getting the outcome that we want or the are things going the way we want them to go because they may not.
00:19:43 Beth Murphy
But in the midst of that, getting more of him, it's like we experience it, sort of like a spiritual promotion in a sense.
00:19:49 Beth Murphy
Like you go to a deeper place with the Lord from which you never go back.
00:19:55 Beth Murphy
You know it's just that deep place that place where you really want to live with him.
00:19:59 Beth Murphy
He's taking us to a new place as a result of the suffering, which is what?
00:20:02 Beth Murphy
The redemption of the suffering is all about.
00:20:04 John Murphy
In the first moment in which we lock arms with the instead of locking arms with God, but lock arms with the lie that this could be from God, then where do we go?
00:20:13 John Murphy
We don't have hope we don't have.
00:20:15 John Murphy
I mean, if we think this is from God, how is it that we're going to think God guys going to give us hope in it?
00:20:19 John Murphy
It really disrupts our ability to relate to him and to rely on him, and he's very clear that he wants us to cast all of our concerns on him.
00:20:28 John Murphy
But if we are believing that he is the source of the problem, then that's going to be pretty much impossible to do.
00:20:33 John Murphy
It doesn't make any sense, and there's a great scripture that talks about that.
00:20:38 John Murphy
First, Peter 57 says casting this is also amplified.
00:20:42 John Murphy
Casting the whole of your care, all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns once and for all on him, for he cares for you affectionately and cares about you.
00:20:53 John Murphy
Watchfully it's not consistent in any way to believe that God is bringing about challenges and tests on us while he's saying he wants us.
00:21:02 John Murphy
To cast all of his cares on him.
00:21:04 John Murphy
Those two things don't go.
00:21:05 Beth Murphy
Together, so I think the best thing to do at this point is offer an opportunity to pray for releasing these things.
00:21:13 Beth Murphy
Releasing the wrong beliefs about God.
00:21:15 Beth Murphy
That can be the source of the true deep suffering and replacing those things with the truth about God to provide peace for everybody who's.
00:21:24 Beth Murphy
Listening and wants to pray that prayer.
00:21:26 John Murphy
Yeah, I think we ought to move into prayer now, so if there I just want to say that if you've had a thought that God is testing you, just think about those situations and how they felt and let's pray a prayer that reverses that thought process and will change potentially how the challenges of life feel to you going forward.
00:21:44 John Murphy
So just pray along with me so Heavenly Father.
00:21:48 John Murphy
Please forgive me.
00:21:50 John Murphy
For having ever believed that you have tested me?
00:21:54 John Murphy
That you have.
00:21:56 John Murphy
Brought evil to my life.
00:21:58 John Murphy
Forgive me for any implication that there is any evil in you whatsoever.
00:22:05 John Murphy
O Lord, I reject that lie.
00:22:08 John Murphy
And I ask you father, to replace it with the truth.
00:22:11 John Murphy
Of how much you love me, how much you care for me.
00:22:15 John Murphy
And your promise that you're going to redeem anything that comes from Satan.
00:22:20 John Murphy
Any broken tiny thing of the world.
00:22:24 John Murphy
That causes me suffering.
00:22:26 John Murphy
That you have promised to redeem it.
00:22:28 John Murphy
And Laura to clear that to be true.
00:22:31 John Murphy
Heavenly Father please heal me.
00:22:34 John Murphy
Of any way in which I have suffered from believing this lie.
00:22:39 John Murphy
From any access it is given Satan to rob me of my peace and cause me to despair cause me hopelessness.
00:22:48 John Murphy
I declare the truth.
00:22:50 John Murphy
That in every situation.
00:22:52 John Murphy
As I choose you.
00:22:55 John Murphy
Through the energy and the power of love that you've given me to choose you.
00:23:00 John Murphy
That there is hope.
00:23:02 John Murphy
And that there is redemption.
00:23:05 John Murphy
And that it is a greater peace and greater assurance.
00:23:08 John Murphy
No matter what situation I'm in the middle of.
00:23:11 John Murphy
Heavenly Father, please give me the strength.
00:23:14 John Murphy
To not return to these lies.
00:23:17 John Murphy
But to trust you in every situation.
00:23:20 John Murphy
I opened my heart to you to invade my thinking.
00:23:25 John Murphy
With your truth and your hope in every situation.
00:23:29 John Murphy
I pray all these things in Jesus name Amen, Amen.
00:23:33 Beth Murphy
00:23:34 John Murphy
So that's it for this Rockville Center podcast.
00:23:36 John Murphy
Thanks for joining us.
00:23:38 Beth Murphy
Thank you, we'll be talking to you again soon.