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Peace requires trust in something that is trustworthy.
No matter how much you may want peace and work to get it, scripture says our peace is limited to the amount of truth that’s in our hearts about the character of God and Jesus. And false beliefs we have about God and Jesus are a barrier to peace. In this podcast we look at the truth we must know and the lies we must reject to have the peace God wants for ALL His people.
John and Beth Murphy
Do Note
We have created an 8-day Pathway to Peace devotional course and we are giving it away free to anyone who wants more of the peace God has for them. This devotional course relies fully on God to lead each person down a pathway of knowing Him and trusting Him for their peace.
John Murphy
This is the Rock House Center podcast and I'm John Murphy.
I'm Beth Murphy and our podcast.
Today is what you need to know to have peace.
Peace requires trust in something that's truly.
So, no matter how much you may want peace or may work to get at it or get access to it or really get it internalized, Scripture says our peace is limited to the amount of truth that resides in our hearts specifically about the character of God and Jesus and false beliefs we have about God and Jesus are a barrier.
The piece in this podcast we look at the truth that we must know and the laws we must reject to have the peace that God wants for all his people.
But before we get into our podcast, I just wanted to tell everyone that is listening.
Today, we've got some exciting news.
We have a lot of new resources on our store and we're going to have a message at the end of our podcast about a special discount that's available to people who listen to our podcast and your friends, of course.
But we have added quite a number of things having to do with our overall be transform experience.
We have a bunch of marriage resources and other resources summer.
Three as well as the access to the videos that go along with the workbook, the workbooks there, and the original book is always so hang on to the end and we'll get into some information about your special discount.
To access those resources back to our subject, it's so important for people to understand the truth.
The truth sets you free.
I mean that is very clear that's all over Scripture.
And one of the main truths has to do with who God and Jesus are, and there's a lot at stake.
Take here Scripture in second Peter, two that talks about how important it is to know the truth to have peace at all, and the scripture says, make Grace, God, favor and peace, which is perfect.
Well, being all necessary, good all spiritual prosperity and freedom, from fears and agitating.
Passions and moral conflicts be multiplied in you in the full, personal, precise, and.
Correct knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
Now that's the amplified classic version of that Scripture and is very expanded.
And I love all these words, perfect, well, being all necessary.
Good all spiritual prosperity and freedom from fears.
How many of us want to be free of fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts?
All of those things we have.
And they are multiplied in us to the extent that we know the truth about who God and Jesus are.
This is really important too.
Understand who these entities are in our life, what the truth is about them because our access to the peace that we're all real hungry for is, according to this scripture, only available by knowing the truth about their character.
So if we don't have peace and there's something we don't know about God, there's something that we've got wrong.
There's something that's missing.
There, which really makes sense because we're inclined to trust people we know, trust the things we know, things that we sense that we can rely on and rest in.
So we need something bigger than our biggest problem, our biggest challenge, whatever it is.
When you think of that, the thing that that's most upsetting to you, most troubling most.
Own the biggest barrier to having peace.
We all need something bigger than that in order to have peace, we need something we can trust in that's bigger than the problem that we're facing on our horizon.
If you know the truth about God and the truth about Jesus, then by definition you have peace because they are bigger.
Then the biggest issue that we could ever possibly.
Have but what if we don't know them?
What if we don't know them correctly and don't have therefore access to be able to trust them at the level that we so urgently need?
And the truth is the truth capital T the way God has revealed truth to us.
So it's not what we may have been told.
What may have been modeled to us by the gods of our youth?
People in authority, our parents, people with spiritual authority or divine authority in our lives?
Messages that we've picked up from the Christian cult.
Picture books we read sermons we may have heard all of those things need to be tested against the truth of the character of God in Jesus and then sort of developing over time into a wrongful picture of the character of God and the character of Jesus.
That leaves us without the true safety net that we need in.
Every dimension of our.
Lives, it's really clear that if we knew the truth about their character, if we knew the truth about their heart.
We would understand how much they love us and how trust where they are and how much they have intention for our blessing and how much they want to make us a part of their household and all of their commitment to us and their focus on us and how much they are grieved by our suffering.
And all of these things.
If we really came to know them.
We would feel that way.
We would experience their love and we experience how trustworthy they are.
And what we're talking about here is that we do need to trust in something that is trustworthy, and this is how we would know, because you don't trust things you don't know to the degree that we can know them more deeply and know the truth, then we will be able to trust we'll have access to that piece.
But at the same time, the things that we believe, which are not true about them, actually detract from our ability to trust them.
When we most need to trust them, there are needs within us that only trust in them can satisfy.
There's only way to get at the ultimate peace and purpose and.
Fullness and richness of life is through faith in them for who they are in our lives, and so there's a lot at stake here in getting the truth straight on.
Who God and Jesus are and because of some of the things that Beth just mentioned, there is a lot of misunderstanding about God's character and even Jesus character, but I think a lot of times it sort of focuses on God in particular.
As being someone who is more distant, more awesome, more difficult to relate to and understand, and even Jesus.
The Rock solid foundation that we all need comes from knowing and relating to and receiving the truth about their character.
So when you think about what that would mean, what it does mean?
Starts with just your value.
The value that comes from the level at which God and his son Jesus love you cherish you adore you have sacrificed all for you because you're wired to have that divine need for value and worth and what we all urgently need because.
We were created to need it is to receive the level of value that they have established in you personally, and then you need the leading in the direction and the discernment that they have for your life for your everyday, that your everyday is consecrated in pre ordained.
By your heavenly Father, your loving father, who has a plan and a purpose for every dimension and aspect of your life.
And he wants to help you get.
I think of it like a moving sidewalk.
He just wants to help you get on that track.
Get on the train locked arms with him, receiving with clarity and discernment and.
Peace and comfort.
All of what he has for you in the day in the moment and the bigger picture of your life so.
The promises of supernatural peace.
Despite the situations, that's a promise he has for us.
But again, that's based on being able to trust him in whatever those situations are.
This foundational piece and assurance about life and the purpose that everyone wants to experience that they do have peace and purpose in life.
These are all the things that are at stake, and it's also important to understand that there is an enemy here who wants to block our access to truth.
Who wants to plant lies in us to separate us from God?
To suspect God intentions to have a wrong relationship with him, so you have to understand that all along while we are trying to build this relationship, Satan is working his strategy of lies.
That's who he is.
He's a liar.
He is the father of everything.
Falsehood, one of the most effective things he can do to cut us off from peace because he wants our suffering.
So the most effective thing he can do to cut us off from our peace is to lie about the truth of who God is, so he'd have to remember that we do have this situation where Satan can use a lot of things which seem friendly and seem unthreatening.
Sometimes even a routine of the Christian culture.
But these different places and different sources of ways in which we intake who we think God is.
He can be planning lies in all those things and a lot of people have a wrong understanding sometimes because of the most trustworthy, they felt trustworthy sources.
They have a wrong impression of who God is, and we have to.
Remember that God is not just one option, but he's the only option for Pete, so this is very critical when we're working with clients.
Here at Rock House we try very hard to get out the lies that people have maybe have relied on or dependent on or thought were true forever.
You know a lot of things that we believe as true.
They can be lies just because we believe them as true doesn't mean they are true.
We need to validate that.
Make sure that we're testing that against the character of who God is and one of the ways that we do that is we have an assessment that we work through with every client, and it comes pretty early on in the process and we want to just share some of that process with you because we might be able to uncover some of the things that you.
You are believing about God or some things that you don't think are true about God, which are actually true on both sides.
There are important things to dig into, so we've got an assessment and we're going to work through some of these concepts with you and start talking about a few on a kind of a brief version of it 'cause we don't have a lot of time here, but we want to say that as we get into this.
Keep in mind that we're going to offer the opportunity for you to get an actual copy of the full assessment.
If this is something that rings true with you and you want to dig a little deeper, so even though we're going to pick some of the key aspects of this character another, there are whole lot more.
Than the ones we're going to talk about today.
So you want to pause and take a moment.
To really connect with God and ask him to help, you just honestly recognize feelings and emotions that you have related to God character and this isn't what you know to be the the correct answer based on Sunday school.
Answer Kind of like what your mind would say.
This is difference in your head and your heart.
We all have some level of what we call a head heart disconnect.
We're asking for your heart.
How does your heart feel?
So for example, do you ever feel like God is disappointed in?
You know that you've somehow messed up and you may know scriptures that say contrary, but we're asking.
Do you ever feel that way?
Do you ever feel like he's disappointed in you?
Do you ever wonder or feel like you've had a rough time or a rough season or a long difficult stretch and you're wondering if God testing you?
If these difficult things have been brought your way by God, do you ever wonder if God is grieved by you?
If you're grieving him?
Do you think that God is judgmental of you?
And what about ever feeling withdrawn?
Do you feel like God is distant, withdrawn, removed from your life?
Well, all of those are lies.
Well, all of those are lies and there are many more in that list which will be available to you if you decide you want us to send you a copy of this.
But let's just take a look at disappointed.
God knows everything.
He doesn't live any one particular part of time, so he's in all of time.
He knows everything that's coming.
He knows all of our imperfection.
He has accommodated them.
He's certainly not disappointed in them because he understands that they're coming.
So God can't be disappointed in us and on the testing side that.
That's like you think that the evil that's in the world is coming at you or your suffering is coming at you because God did it to you.
God is not evil, evil and contempt.
No man with evil.
That's what the scripture.
So if you're experiencing evil, that's because of the decision that was made in the garden, and it's played out through the centuries.
And therefore you're experiencing evil and suffering, and as far as people thinking about God is grieved, I understand that there's a scripture that talks about how God is greed, but this is the kind of grief where Daddy is grieved that his son won't take his hand off the hot I.
When Daddy is trying to convince him that he needs to take his son off the hot I he's he's seeing the suffering and he knows he hasn't.
Cancer and he's tapping on him and the Holy Spirit is screaming into his ear, but he won't turn to God and get freedom and he just stays in that place of suffering.
And of course the idea of judgment.
It'll just completely precludes the entire act of Christ.
God is not judging anybody.
He sees us with the covering of the blood of Christ, so there is no judgment of us in terms of how we're failing day-to-day and those kinds of things, the righteousness of Christ has covered that, and because of that righteousness, God actually lives in us through the Holy Spirit.
And he's one thought away.
You can have a conversation with God just by opening your mouth and saying God.
So he actually, he says, lives in us through the Holy Spirit, so there's no withdrawn.
Usually it's because we have pushed him back and we're evading his gaze and we're keeping out of conversations that that we don't want to really submit to him or trust him with about things in our life.
So just picking those five.
None of those are true.
They have no basis in truth whatsoever, but tremendous number of people, and some of them.
Our clients believe these things, and they're suffering and they're cut off from their piece because of.
And in the same way, when we're missing truth about the positive aspects of the character of God, then we suffer from that as well.
And so we know Scripture says that God is love and that he's loving.
And when you're answering from your head, you check the box that God is loving.
But we're asking you, do you feel loved by God?
Do you feel that his love?
Do you feel like he is loving toward you personally?
Do you think that he is trustworthy, that you really can count on him to be who he says he is to use everything together for your good and for his glory, no matter how bad and no matter what you're in the middle of that he is trustworthy and that he is your protector, that he is protective and that he is that one of his names.
Capital P protector.
Do you think God is safe?
Is he safe emotionally?
Is is he truly your All in all safety net?
And what about comforting?
Do you find him to be comforting?
The Holy Spirit is our comforter capital C.
He is our counselor, so he's the source.
That's where the Lord wants us going.
Is connecting to him through his Holy Spirit?
And what about seeing him as an approachable, loving?
Father that he's fatherly in a warm, tender kind of way.
So ask yourself honestly, truthfully, ask God to help you see the truth of how you feel about God.
Do you feel like he's an approaching loving, tender heaven?
And so all of those things are truths.
If those things don't feel correct to you, then there's something standing in the way.
Maybe you were never presented to God this way, so you just don't have.
You don't believe that truth about him.
And then on the other side the lies.
Maybe something was presented to you or you had an assumption, or you felt like that the only way that you could accept what was happening to you.
Had to be somebody's fault and so it's gone.
Fault, but for whatever reason these things either get installed in our heart is lies or the truth about God never gets into our hearts and we want to deal with that with a prayer.
So just keep in mind those things, so I just go through them again.
Disappointed, testing, grieve, judgmental or withdrawn.
If you feel anything.
Those things are true, just those are lies.
So remember those as lies.
We get into this.
Prayer and loving and trustworthy and safe and fatherly and approachable.
If you don't think that's true about who God is.
If there's something that I just listed there that your heart says that's not what he's like, then you need to remember that because we're going to have a place in the prayer that's coming where you can declare the truth of who he.
Really is so Heavenly Father, I just ask now that.
He would bubble up whatever it is, the one or two main things that are in the hearts of the person who's listening right now so that they can get their right relationship with you and so they can get to a deeper level of trust and peace with you as we enter into this prayer.
OK, so whatever bubbled up for you, those are the things either the lie you believe or the thing that's true about God, that you didn't actually recognize or accept whatever it is that came up.
Keep that in mind as we pray through this prayer.
Heavenly Father, I reject the lies I believed about you.
And I reject any wrong understanding of your character that I may have suffered under.
I specifically reject the lies that you are, and that's where you list the lies that you believed about him.
I specifically reject the lies that you are.
And Heavenly Father, I declare the truth that you are these things.
What are those things that you didn't think he was?
As you heard, for the first time that resonated with you less than their Heavenly Father, I declare the truth that you are those things.
Lord, please remove these lies.
And any other lies that I have believed about you from my heart.
And replace them.
With the truth of who you say you are?
Lord, please heal me of how I've suffered from these lies.
And give me the strength to resist the desire of mice in nature to return to these lies.
Lord, I ask you plant the truth of who you are in my heart.
As you remove the lies from my heart.
That oppose the truth of who you are.
I forgive the people.
And any institution that has misrepresented your character to me.
I also ask you to forgive them and heal them of the lies that they believe about you.
And heal them of the ways that they have suffered, and they are tormented by those lies.
I pray all these things, the name of your son Jesus.
Hey man.
Well, let's chat a little bit about the store.
You can go to rockhaus center com and click on the button for the store and find new online resources that have just been added.
So we've got the be transformed online experience now that you can get there at our website we have.
Which is the entire content of all of everything in the workbook matched up with all the videos altogether.
One package.
The authentic love marriage.
Which is a marriage course and a pre marriage course.
We also have a 30 day marriage devotional.
And then of course the be transformed.
New life awaits workbook, the original book and the videos.
We also have the free eight day pathway to peace, which we encourage you to send to anybody and everybody you know.
Direct them to our website to go to that those things that have a cost associated with them have a discount the entire month of April so that you can take advantage of them and direct your friends to and you simply go there and put in the discount code with the word podcast.
In all caps.
A discount code will get you 20% off and it will last for all of the month of April, so we hope you'll take an opportunity to take a look at the store and see all the resources there and maybe just go and take the eight day pathway to peace which has no charge, which will always be free.
And hope you enjoy that and give access to that. 20% off is just podcast. All caps put it in the blank and the discount will appear.
The other thing I want to mention is that if you were interested in this assessment that we talked about today and you want the full assessment, then if you will send a email to peace PSC at Rock House.
And just put your name in there and say I would like the free assessment then we will email you back the free assessment.
You can work through that yourself and look at a number of the other lies and a number of the other truths that you want to work with to make sure that you're getting your heart in the right place.
I think it's something like 15 or 16 different lies that are on that list, as well as something like about the same number.
Of truth, so we only talked about four or five of each, but there are a lot more there, so I hope you'll take the opportunity to.
Reach out to us. Send us an email to PSPACE at Rock house Center com and we will send you back the PDF of that assessment and we hope that's blesses you really appreciate you being with us today.
Thanks for joining us bye bye.